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OSRP AGM November 24: Annual Report Available Now

Tue, November 14, 2023 10:36 AM | OSRP OSRP (Administrator)

Thank you to every member who has already registered to attend the AGM or chosen a proxy for:

Friday November 24
1-3 p.m. ET on Zoom

Click here to register.

Click here to choose a proxy.

Let’s keep up the momentum so that we can achieve quorum, meet as peers, and vote on important changes to OSRP’s Constitution and By-Laws, which you can read all about in the ANNUAL REPORT - both in your inbox, and available here.

Click here to view the Annual Report.

Your 2023 Board of Directors, in conjunction with our Ethics Committee, has developed proposed By-Law changes which, should they be approved, will usher the OSRP into a frontrunner position of Advocates for Advancement in Psychotherapy. Come out and let your voice be heard!

Q: How do I register to attend, or assign a proxy?

A: Click HERE to register/assign a proxy today.

Q: What if I registered, but then something happens and I can’t attend?

A: For those who have registered, we are counting on you to attend. But, we understand that emergencies happen. If something does, please click here to assign a proxy as soon as you can, and before November 22.

Q: Will I get a chance to review and vote on the By-Law changes?

A: Yes. The only way we can evolve as an organization is with your support and participation. All proposed changes are in the Annual Report, so please take a moment to read, review and consider. 

At the AGM, these proposed changes will be reviewed, along with an explanation of why they are necessary.

Q: Why do I need to attend or send a proxy?

A: OSRP Quorum currently requires 10% of members – so we will need 100+ members to attend or select proxies.

Q: What are the results from the Race-Based Data Collection Initiative?

A: At the AGM, we will present the results of this initiative that puts OSRP at the forefront of Race-Based Data Collection in Psychotherapy in Ontario with 1000+ members completing the survey upon renewal. OSRP has established a benchmark we can now use to measure improvement and target membership recruitment to fill the identified gap of representation in the survey.

We are also really excited about the Door Prizes available for those who attend this AGM, including gift certificates generously donated by Caversham Booksellers.

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