I am a Therapist-in-Training with the Gestalt Institute of Toronto. What led me to join OSRP was that it was the only Canadian association for therapists that mentioned anything about collecting race-based data, and this was important for me as a Black man. I am also the founder of the Black Daddies Club (BDC), a grassroots organization based in Toronto that works with Black men, Black fathers and their families. BDC will be celebrating its 16th anniversary in November 2023.
What led me to therapy over six years ago was my separation and divorce, in which I realized I wanted to support myself to heal and reach my higher self (whatever this means). I found myself bouncing around from therapist to therapist trying to locate the right fit. Initially, I was looking for a Black male therapist. However, this was a harder task than I expected – like finding a needle in a haystack. A statistic shared at a Black Male Therapists conference in Chicago that I attended in February 2023 indicated that less than 1% of therapists identify as Black men. I assume that this percentage is lower in Canada, but I cannot confirm this as we do not keep statistics by race in this country.
As I reflect on my own experience as a Black male training to become a Gestalt therapist in Toronto, I have seen only one Black man who was a student at my school over the past five years. I often wonder if this profession is for me because of the lack of representation of other Black men doing this therapeutic work.
I also realize that there is a lack of spaces for Black and racialized therapists or students (of all genders) to connect and learn from each other. Now is a better time than ever to co-create a community for Black and racialized therapists in Canada.
Black Daddies Club will be doing our 16th anniversary event entitled Finding a Partner after 40: A Conversation with Black Folks, at Evergreen Brick Works on Saturday, November 25, 2023. The event will feature Black folks and Black therapists talking about the realities of Black people finding a partner after the age of 40. The BDC event will also be a quarterly networking series, for Black and racialized therapists to connect with and learn from each other, this networking and knowledge sharing series will begin in March 2024 in Toronto, Canada.
You can find out more about the the Black Daddies Club at our website: https://theblackdaddiesclub.com/ or on our instagram @theblackdaddiesclub
Regards, Brandon Hay (MES, Business) Founder of the Black Daddies Club Therapist-in-Training at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto
Good news: MP Stephen Ellis’ Bill C-323 went to the floor for its Second Reading, and moved on to the next step, with 327 “yes” votes and zero “no” votes. Click HERE for a list of which MPs voted in favour of exempting our work from this unfair tax. (Some of the “yes” voters include: The Finance Minister, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Labour and the incoming Minister of Mental Health, among other Cabinet Ministers; and every party leader from the Greens to the Conservatives.)
What Does this Mean?
The Bill now moves forward to the next phase: it goes to the Finance Committee for further review. This is the same Committee that, this past March, recommended psychotherapy be exempt from GST/HST.
What Are the Coalition’s Next Steps?
Coalition members from the CCPA have already requested the opportunity to testify to the Finance Committee about this Bill. We sincerely hope and expect that this Bill should come out of Finance and go to a third reading and a new vote in Parliament in the next few months.
Our Lobbying firm, Impact, will continue to meet with members of the Finance Committee individually to make our case.
What Can I Do Next?
To learn more about how a Bill becomes a Law, click here.
Thank you for your continued support to remove HST from our services and removing a barrier to access when so many Ontarians need psychotherapy.
- Rachel Fulford & Dr. Natasha Tuletta-Bowman, Co-Vice Chairs, OSRP Board of Directors, Co-Chairs, Advocacy Committee of the OSRP
Thank you to every member who has already registered to attend the AGM or chosen a proxy. Let’s keep up the momentum so that we can achieve quorum, meet as peers, and vote on important changes to OSRP’s Constitution and By-Laws.
Your 2024 Board of Directors, in conjunction with our Ethics Committee, has invested a considerable amount of time and resources in determining gaps in our existing policies and By-laws, in order to be able to take action this year. The changes being brought forward, should they be approved, will help propel the OSRP into an even stronger position in the years to come. Come out and let your voice be heard!
Q: How do I register to attend, or assign a proxy?
Click HERE to register/assign a proxy today.
Q: Will I get a chance to review and vote on the By-Law changes?
A: Yes. The only way we can evolve as an organization is with your support and participation. All proposed changes will be sent out in the Annual General Report no later than 30 days before the AGM.
Further, the AGM will include a detailed presentation of these proposed changes, and why they are necessary.
Q: Why do I need to attend or send a proxy?
A: OSRP Quorum requires 10% of members – so we will need 100+ members to attend or select proxies.
Q: What are the results from the Race-Based Data Collection Initiative?
A: At the AGM, we will present the results of this initiative that puts OSRP at the forefront of Race-Based Data Collection in Psychotherapy in Ontario with 1000+ members completing the survey upon renewal. OSRP has established a benchmark we can now use to measure improvement and target membership recruitment to fill the identified gap of representation in the survey.
We are also really excited about the Door Prizes available for those who attend this AGM, including gift certificates generously donated by Caversham Booksellers.
The CRPO has developed a new tool for RP(Q)s and their supervisors to reflect together on the efficacy of supervision, and wants your feedback, which OSRP will compile and share on your behalf if you send it to mail@psychotherapyontario.org, or you can comment directly HERE.
There are two opportunities to participate in improving the supervision tool:
Survey links are included in the linked PDF. CRPO is interested in hearing back from both supervisors and supervisees, and it doesn’t matter whether the qualifying registrant has made an exam attempt or not.
The CRPO is offering a series of Zoom meetings/Q&As regarding Professional Development Obligations including the Case-Based Assessment (CBA). The goal is to help Registrants understand the program and be better prepared to complete their PD obligations.
The next one is Thursday, October 12, 1-2 p.m. ET
Pre-registration is required using this link to register and submit any questions you would like CRPO to answer.
At an August 22 media conference which generated an estimated 1.2 million impressions, RP Lindsey Thomson spoke passionately about the deadly consequences of limiting access to therapy. Thomson’s call to the Federal government to end this tax can be seen HERE. The Tax Free Therapy Coalition’s Countdown clock to the 2025 (likely) election and need to change can be found HERE.
More than a million Canadians saw, heard or read about this issue following the media conference. The majority of coverage came from CTV television news outlets across Canada, including Vancouver, Winnipeg, Atlantic and Edmonton local news broadcasts (see image below). Coverage also came from online sources, blogs and radio. Known as “earned media” (as opposed to expensive paid advertisements), these impressions are highly valued and indicate how much interest there is nationally in this issue.
These media hits could not be better timed as Canada’s leaders headed to pre-Parliament cabinet and caucus meetings, readying themselves for the Sept 22nd opening of this Parliament. We hope September's house business will include Dr. Stephen Ellis’ Bill C-323: An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services) completing its second reading in the House. As previously reported here, the NDP has pledged to support it.
Thank you to all advocates who have written, called, and visited their MPs to push for this important measure. Now is a great time to revisit this with your MP – please find an updated letter template HERE. Meanwhile, the Tax-Free Therapy Coalition continues to meet with important policy-makers and advocate for the end of this unfair tax.
Should you wish to join the Advocacy Committee, which meets next via Zoom on September 29th, please do not hesitate to contact us at: advocacy@psychotherapyontario.org
Rachel Fulford & Dr. Natasha Tuletta-Bowman, Co-Vice Chairs, OSRP Board of Directors, Co-Chairs, Advocacy Committee of the OSRP
OSRP is proud to partner with Sheridan College in offering a curated suite of courses, starting with past, present and future Board and committee members, up to 35 registrants for the first offering in Winter/Spring 2024. This is intended as a benefit for OSRP volunteers who provide extensive unpaid labour that enables the association to flourish. This new partnership gives volunteers the opportunity to complete and graduate with a micro-credential designed to enhance their practice, as a demonstration of appreciation for their work with OSRP.
Sheridan continues to support organizations like OSRP as well as workplaces, colleges, and institutes in their efforts to advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Recognizing diversity as the fuel for excellence, this support comes in the form of courses and programs that provide training and education on equitable practices and inclusive leadership. Sheridan Continuing and Professional Studies is offering the micro-credential program, Building Literacy in Equitable Practices, with the objective of integrating different perspectives and experiences related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Micro-credentials are short-duration programs that help lay the foundation by expanding a learner's knowledge, awareness, and skills in a specific area of interest. The Building Literacy in Equitable Practices micro-credential program explores the fundamental concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and offers strategies to engage in more inclusive practices, language, and behaviours.
The program only requires three (3) courses and can be completed in as little as one (1) to two (2) academic semesters. Participants need to complete two (2) mandatory courses, Fostering Equitable Practices I and Fostering Equitable Practices II, which examine power, privilege, unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, racism, and intersectionality to integrate different perspectives on equity and diversity. These courses explore strategies to enhance one's capacity to be more inclusive both at work and in other relationships. Participants also need to complete one (1) elective course to obtain the micro-credential. They can choose one from the three elective courses available: Modelling Inclusive Leadership Practices, Exploring Disability and Difference, and Cultivating LGBTQ2S+ Inclusivity. Participants who successfully complete the two (2) mandatory courses, plus one (1) elective, and pass all course requirements, will receive a certificate to formally acknowledge completion of the micro-credential.
The learning experience for the Building Literacy in Equitable Practices micro-credential program includes group discussions, in-depth exploration of videos and articles, and participation in online learning activities where participants reflect on their own experiences to deepen their learning.
Former, current and future Board Members who may be interested in registering, please contact Evonne at mail@psychotherapyontario.org so we can get a sense of numbers (dates and times TBD.)
I was fortunate enough to attend Dr. Celenza’s riveting presentation on Sexual Boundary Violations at the 2018 Ontario Psychiatric Association fall conference and I was blown away by her insights. So, when I joined the Protect Subcommittee to help come up with speakers, she was an obvious choice, and we’re so lucky she agreed — although access is different than other PS Seminars with this Harvard professor.
We can only offer her video for one week: October 10 to 17.
ALso, the Q&A is live only, not recorded, October 18 from noon to 1 p.m.
You don’t want to miss this opportunity to pre-register and save the dates in your calendar. Learn more here. (Flex Pass holders are already registered.)
Part One: October 10–17, 2023 Video Release available 24hrs/day to screen at your convenience
Two-minute teaser: SBV: How do they happen? | Andrea Celenza
Registrants will have access to Dr. Celenza’s 90-minute video and PowerPoint presentation Sexual Boundary Violations: How Do They Happen? in which she debunks the myths and illuminates the realities of this prevalent phenomenon, and offers a psychological profile of clinicians at highest risk.
This video would normally cost $450 USD per individual viewing or $750 USD for groups up to 20. The OSRP is exclusively offering this on a one-week basis for you to screen at your own pace, with the unique Q&A opportunity below.
Part Two: October 18, 2023Q&A with Presenter Noon to 1 p.m. ET on Zoom -— NOT RECORDED
Dr. Celenza will address questions and comments arising from her 90-minute video.
This is an opportunity for a live community interaction in a confidential space to discuss your questions, responses and concerns.
The first part of her deck on Sexual Boundary Violations will be available by email to all registrants.
REGISTER HERE for both Parts 1 and 2
Dr. Andrea Celenza, Ph.D., is a Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, and world expert who literally wrote the book on Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Academic and Supervisory Contexts. She is a Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society/Institute; faculty, at Mass. Institute for Psychoanalysis; and Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School.
Her books are available in person in Toronto or online for shipment at Caversham Booksellers, PS Protect Seminar’s promotional partner.
To attend/receive materials for all five PS: protect yourself Protect Seminars, if you would appreciate financial support and identify as BIPOC, please email edi@psychotherapyontario.org
Article by Rachel Fulford, RP, Member of Protect SubCommittee
PS: Protect Seminars are Co-Presented by
The OSRP is growing and developing as an organization representing a diverse group of RPs across Ontario. With this top of mind, we intend to increase Black, Indigenous, Racialized, and LGBTQ2S+ awareness and engagement at the OSRP. To do so, we need your voices. Please let us know what we can do to make joining our Board a good fit for you.
DEADLINE for nominations to the slate prior to this AGM is September 29 at 5 p.m.
EXCLUSIVE: Board Members will be eligible to take Sheridan College’s Building Literacy in Equitable Practices Micro-Credential training program, developed for OSRP. See below for details!
If you are Board-Curious and interested in learning more about becoming part of the OSRP Board, you are invited to an Open House with Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi, Co-Chairs of the Nomination Committee.
Click HERE to register!
Scheduled Zoom Meeting:DATE: Friday, September 22 TIME: 1:30-2:30 p.m. EDT
Please let us know if you can make it and if you have any specific questions we can prepare to answer when we meet. May your week be truly spectacular.
Feel free to contact Kimberly Cato and Dan Sileshi at: nomination@psychotherapyontario.org
You are invited to the OSRP’s 31st Annual General Meeting on:
Friday, November 24 1-3 p.m. (on Zoom)
This year’s AGM is of particular importance.
Q: Why?
A: Your Board has been hard at work making important and necessary changes to the OSRP’s By-Laws.
Q: Will I get a chance to review and vote on these changes?
Door prizes will be available for those who attend.
It’s a great chance to connect with fellow members, and vote on matters of importance to you.
Click HERE to register today.
Click HERE to assign a proxy.
Thank you!
The OSRP is well aware that supervision continues throughout the lifespan of psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists and many other professionals covered by the program, and that until 1,000 Direct Client Contact Hours are provided by an RP, they must continue supervision. We also know that most benefits plans do not distinguish between RPs and RP(Q)s in their coverage. We will be addressing this issue directly with VQRP and hope to report a positive outcome in the future.
Do you know of any other organizations that discriminate against RP(Q)s? Please don’t hesitate to let us know at advocacy@psychotherapyontario.org
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